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Full Membership



Membership Notes

A 10% CT Sales and Use tax applies to all fees and dues.

If an applicant is married, the spouse must apply as a Full or Associate Member. At least one applicant must be a Full Member.

          Full Member – Unlimited access to the club’s tennis and paddle facilities.

          Associate Member- entitles you to play tennis or paddle twice a month and attend all social events.

There is an Application Fee of $100, which is refundable upon request or applicable to initiation fee.

New members admitted after June 1st will have their annual dues pro-rated 75%.

New members admitted after September 1st will have their annual dues pro-rated 50%.


Guest Membership

1. Cost: $250 - single sport (paddle or tennis). $400 - both sports
2. Guest Membership runs from Jan 1st to Dec 31st 
    a. Applications received in November or December will be granted access as soon as they have paid the guest fee and will be good for the next calendar year.
3. Must have a Hop Brook member as a sponsor
4. Who is eligible:
    a. Any member at below listed clubs. If you don't see the club listed, please send an email to hopbrook@yahoo.com for consideration.
    b. Eligible clubs: Suffield Country Club, Granby Tennis Club, Hop Meadow Country Club, Golf Club of Avon, Farmington Field Club, Farmington Country Club, Tumble Brook   
        Country Club, Wampanoag, Hartford Golf Club, Hartford Tennis Club
    c. Proof of active club membership to be provided once a year.
5. What's Included:
    a. Unlimited play with any Hop Brook full member.
    b. Must be accompanied by a member while on premises.
    c. 50% of the cost can be applied towards the initiation fee, capped at $400, if you join the club as a full member.
6. What's NOT Included:
    a. You do NOT have the ability to access court bookings or book courts directly. A member must book the court.
    b. You do NOT have access to the club without being accompanied by a member.
    c. You do NOT have voting rights.




273 Westledge Road • West Simsbury, CT 06092 • 860-408-1138hopbrook@yahoo.com